When December 01, 2022 at 4:00pm 28 days 1 hr
Where Salt Lake City Public Library Main Branch 210 E 400 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, United States
Contact Teen Zine Team [email protected]

Teen Zine Team is a fun hangout session where you can meet new people, and spark your own creativity and self-expression! No experience necessary and materials are provided. Local zine artists, along with our Teen Services Librarians, will introduce you to this underground art form and guide you on your zine-making journey. Teens with any level of artistic experience are welcome in this inclusive, casual group. Work on collaborative or solo projects and add your masterpieces to the Teen Zine Collection! Teen Zine Team meets every Thursday, from 4–5pm, in the Teen Lounge at the Main Library. This group is held in partnership with Grid Zine Fest.
