Rudy Bautista // Libertarian // State: Attorney General

1. How have the arts, culture, and/or humanities impacted your life?

They have enriched and educated it.

2. Utah's humanities and arts employ 123,000 Utahns, provide $4.4 billion in earnings, and $13.2 billion in sales. This is a larger economic impact than agriculture, mining, and real estate. Do you consider the arts and cultural sector an economic driver in Utah?


3. I support...

-Grants to be used for operations (jobs) as soon as possible

-Keeping emergency loans open to nonprofits

-Protecting the RAP taxes so that money granted to cultural organizations doesn't get repurposed

-Increasing availability of loans to cultural businesses (nonprofit and for-profit)

-Fiscally responsible government investment in arts and humanities organizations

-Facilitating partnerships between tourism and culture

-Reducing regulations of creative businesses

-Capital investment (in museums, performance/concert halls, studios, galleries, nonprofit office space, etc.)

-The RAP tax

-Percent for public art programs, which optionally designate 1% of government capital costs for public art

-K-6 Students should have increased exposure to arts and humanities education

-7-12 Students should have increased exposure to arts and humanities education

-I support the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program which puts one arts specialist in most elementary schools

-I support the POPS (Professional Outreach Program in the Schools) which sends 13 professional arts organizations to all UT school districts

-I support the iSEE (Informal Science Educational Enhancement) which sends 10 professional science, zoological, and natural history organizations to all UT school districts

4. I oppose...

-Allowing municipalities to set design standards

5. Fiscally responsible government investment in the arts and humanities (including humanities and arts education) means to me:

Enriching and educating society by increasing governmental credits towards non-profits and for-profits.

6. I will...

-Ensure existing fund balances are preserved for recreation, cultural organizations, and parks