Victoria Petro-Eschler
I.D.E.A. Consultant
holly reid

Repertory Dance Theater (RDT)
A revolutionary institution of modern dance.
Tim Riley

Utah State University Eastern Prehistoric Museum
Salt Lake County Arts & Culture
The Center for the Arts aims to support the vibrant arts community by operating both historical and brand-new buildings that bring top-tier arts and culture to Salt Lake County and the surrounding communities.
Salt Lake Film Society
Executive Director, Salt Lake Film Society.
Emily Springville Museum of Art
The purpose of the Springville Museum of Art (SMA) is to provide quality life-affirming art, cultural experience, and educational opportunity to our growing community and diverse populations.
Josh Stavros

Southern Utah University
Daniel Stergios
The Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Program provides community support for arts, cultural and recreational opportunities throughout Salt Lake County.
Diane Stewart
Owner Modern West Fine Art, Community Leader and Activist, Art Patron and Advocate.
Maria Sykes

Utah Cultural Alliance (501c4) Board Vice Chair // Executive Director - Epicenter