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Join Culture Club to support the Utah Cultural Alliance while attending fabulous cultural events with interesting, like-minded people. There are 8-10 events scheduled annually ranging from private viewings of museum exhibitions, live performances, artist studio visits, and hikes through some of Utah's beautiful landscapes. Membership ranges from $100-$1,000 annually with a monthly payment option available.
- Invitation to Culture Club events featuring exclusive and unique cultural experiences throughout Utah for one person
- Monthly Culture Club email with event details
- Discounted tickets for UCA events
- Recognition as a 10 Club Member on donor listings
- The knowledge you are supporting Utah's cultural industry
- 100% of your contribution is tax-deductible
- Invitation to Culture Club events featuring exclusive and unique cultural experiences throughout Utah for you and a guest
- Monthly Culture Club email with event details
- Discounted tickets for UCA events
- Recognition as a 40 Club Member in donor listings
- The knowledge you are supporting Utah's cultural industry
- 100% of your contribution is tax-deductible
- Invitation to Culture Club events featuring exclusive and unique cultural experiences throughout Utah for you and a guest
- Monthly Culture Club email with event details
- Discounted tickets for UCA events
- Recognition as a 100 Club Member in donor listings
- The knowledge you are supporting Utah's cultural industry
- 100% of your contribution is tax-deductible
- Invitation to Culture Club events featuring exclusive and unique cultural experiences throughout Utah for one person
- Monthly Culture Club email with event details
- Discounted tickets for UCA events
- Recognition as a Student Member on donor listings
- The knowledge you are supporting Utah's cultural industry
- 100% of your contribution is tax-deductible