Elected Official Contact Info
Here are links to the several Utah legislative committees that are relevant to arts, humanities, and cultural organizations. Each link contains committee meetings, agendas, relevant documents, committee members, legislator contact information, and more.
Find your State Senator and Representative: http://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
UCA members can download a spreadsheet of legislator contact info here. Must be logged in with an active membership to see this page.
The two US Senators from Utah are (visit their websites for contact information):
- Senator Mitt Romney: https://www.senate.gov/senators/116thCongress/RomneyMitt.htm
- Senator Mike Lee: http://www.lee.senate.gov/
The four US Congressmen from Utah are:
- Representative Rob Bishop (CD-1): http://robbishop.house.gov/
- Representative Chris Stewart (CD-2): http://stewart.house.gov/
- Representative John Curtis (CD-3): https://curtis.house.gov
- Representative Ben McAdams (CD-4): https://mcadams.house.gov
Phone Number Contacts:
- Mitt Romney (Senator) 202-224-5251 (DC) // 801-524-4380 (SLC)
- Mike Lee (Senator) 202-224-5444 (DC) // 801-524-5933 (SLC) // 435-628-5514 (St. George) // 801-392-9633 (Ogden)
- Rob Bishop (CD1): 202-225-0453 (DC) // 801-625-0107 (Ogden)
- Chris Stewart (CD2): 202-225-9730 (DC) // 801-364-5550 (SLC) // 435-627-1500
- John Curtis (CD 3): 202-225-7751 (DC) // 801-922-5400 (Provo)
- Ben McAdams (CD4): 202-225-3011 (DC) // 801-999-9801 (West Jordan)
State Legislature: le.utah.gov or click here (includes relevant appropriation committees)
For intern contact info, click here for a spreadsheet; however intern contact info is a member-only benefit so you must be logged in as a UCA member to see that spreadsheet.
State Appropriations Committees that most affect arts & culture
- Executive Appropriations (oversees all funding)
- Business, Economic Development, and Labor (oversees funding for Department of Heritage and Arts as well as most appropriations requests from arts, cultural, and humanities organizations)
- Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality (oversees funding for State Parks)
- Public Education (oversees funding for K-12 including POPS and iSEE programs)
State School Board: Click here