When December 07, 2022 at 6:00pm 2 hrs
Contact Sight & Sound: Breath of Air [email protected]

<strong>Saturday, December 7 | 6-8 pm | FREE Tours in the C&D Galleries starting at 6 pm Musical performance by the Runnin' Fl'UTES in the Great Hall at 7 pm </strong> We invite you to take a deep breath at our next Sight & Sound: Breath of Air, celebrating artwork in our latest exhibition <a href="https://umfa.utah.edu/air"><em>Air</em></a>, which closes December 13. Special guided tours of <a href="https://umfa.utah.edu/air"><em>Air</em></a> (and other atmospheric works in the UMFA’s collection!) start at 6 pm, where we’ll explore artwork that addresses themes of collective breath and collective responsibility. While your eyes, like air, move through the galleries, enjoy a special performance by Runnin' Fl'UTES in the Great Hall at 7 pm for a visual and audio experience that will change the way you look at art in a museum. ANNA TSOUHLARAKIS (NAVAJO/CREEK/GREEK, BORN 1977, LIVES BOULDER, CO), <em>BREATH OF WIND</em> [FILM STILL], 2017, SINGLE-CHANNEL VIDEO WITH SOUND, 3 MIN 16 SEC, COURTESY THE ARTIST.
