Larry Smith // Utah United Party // Sanpete County Commission

  • How have the arts, culture, and/or humanities impacted your life?
    • I've been a life-long fan of the arts and humanities even though I'm a professor of physics and mathematics. I played clarinet in various ensembles as a student at BYU and in the annual production of Messiah for 25 years. I sing in church choirs and accompany congregations. I had a small part as the professor in Snow College's production of Our Town last year. I was a strong advocate for arts funding while serving on the South Sanpete School Board for 12 years. My wife and I attend Utah symphony concerts when we are able (even though it is a long way to go) and many other music concerts at Snow College. We enjoy art galleries both locally and while vacationing.
  • Utah's humanities and arts employ 123,000 Utahns, provide $4.4 billion in earnings, and $13.2 billion in sales. This is a larger economic impact than agriculture, mining, and real estate. Do you consider the arts and cultural sector an economic driver in Utah?
    • Yes
  • Fiscally responsible government investment in the arts and humanities (including humanities and arts education) means to me:
    • Fostering investment, matching funds, advocacy
  • Items of Legislation I support:
    • My county's redevelopment authority should have a public art ordinance
    • Friendly ordinances that encourage public and private mural creation
    • Increased investment in public art projects to encourage murals, sculptures, utility wraps, and more
  • Would you elaborate on your answers above?
    • I don't oppose arts and humanities receiving 1/3 of a RAP tax, I just can't guarantee it.
  • I believe percent for art ordinances should apply to:
    • Public buildings
  • Anything else we should know about you?
    • I don't feel comfortable making commitments before I've done the appropriate research. I might be in favor of a 1% designation, but I need to learn more first. I'm hesitant to over-promise and I don't want to feel blindly obligated to you, but I certainly am a supporter of the arts and humanities.