A Joint Proclamation on National Arts and Humanities Month by Salt Lake Council and Mayor Wilson

On October 25, 2022, UCA was joined by over 60 arts and cultural creatives and business leaders to hear the joint proclamation of the Salt Lake County Council and Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson declaring October as Arts and Humanities Month in Salt Lake County. In the video above, County Council Chair Laurie Stringham read the proclamation aloud during the October 25 County Council meeting. We thank the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UA&M), Salt Lake County Arts & Culture, and Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts, and Parks, for their assistance in making this achievement possible. We also thank Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson and the members of the Salt Lake County Council for their support of and investment in the cultural industry within Salt Lake County.

You can view the full recording of Salt Lake County Council Chair Laurie Stringham reading the proclamation aloud along with the text of the proclamation below. Please note, that the video was recorded by UCA Communications Director, Ernesto Balderas, while watching his 18-month-old child. We apologize for any inconvenience the extra sounds and camera movement may cause as you watch.



A Proclamation of the Salt Lake County Council Declaring October 2022, Arts and Humanities Month in Salt Lake County, Utah

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County is home to over 650 arts and cultural businesses, more than anywhere else in the state, and 

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County is home to 3,400 pieces of publicly owned art, the largest collection in the world of work by Utah artists, and 

WHEREAS, despite significant losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Salt Lake County’s arts and cultural industry generated $9.1 billion in total sales, 9.7% of Salt Lake County’s 2020 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and supported 50,877 jobs, representing 6.9% of the county’s total jobs in 2020, and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County’s arts and cultural industry generated an estimated $155.2 million in direct tax revenue, $60.1 million in local tax revenues, and

WHEREAS, the arts and humanities allow diverse communities across the United States, including those in Salt Lake County, to explore and connect with their varied histories and cultures, and

WHEREAS, participation in the arts and humanities foster enhanced skills in creative problem solving, cultural awareness, communication and developed brain connections vital to the development and growth of our youth, and

WHEREAS, cultural engagement is in the very DNA for Salt Lake County residents from its indigenous peoples to the LDS pioneers who demonstrated that commitment by building a theatre before any other public structure, and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County provides the state’s largest public investment in nonprofit arts and cultural businesses through its Arts & Culture Division for nearly 50 years and the Zoo, Arts, & Parks program for nearly 25 years, and

WHEREAS, the arts and cultural industry remain a key sector of the Utah economy providing new opportunities for growth within even the most rural municipalities in the state and making communities attractive to business development.


We, the members of the Salt Lake County Council along with Mayor Jenny Wilson, do hereby join with our entire community in proclaiming October 2022 as 

Arts and Humanities Month in Salt Lake County, Utah

Dated this 25th Day of October 2022

A Proclamation on National Arts and Humanities Month by Governor Cox

On October 27, 2022, Utah Governor Cox's Office officially declared October 2022 as Arts and Humanities Month in Utah. You may view the full proclamation using the button below.

Whereas, the month of October has been recognized as National Arts and Humanities Month by arts and cultural organizations, communities, and states across the country for 37 consecutive years;

Whereas, the arts and humanities allow diverse communities across the United States, including those in the great state of Utah, to explore and connect with their own and their neighbors’ history and culture;

Whereas, participation in the arts and humanities fosters skills necessary for solving 21st-century challenges, including creative problem-solving, cultural awareness, and communication skills;

Whereas, the arts and humanities enhance and enrich the lives of all Utah residents;

Whereas, despite significant losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Utah’s arts and cultural industry generated $17.8 billion in total sales, 9% of Utah’s 2020 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and supported 108,560 jobs, 5.2% of the state’s total jobs in 2020;

Whereas, Utah is No. 1 in the nation for art creation and No. 3 in live event attendance;

Now, therefore, I, Spencer J. Cox, Governor of the State of Utah, do hereby declare October 2022 as

Arts and Humanities Month in Utah

And urge all Utahns to connect and engage with arts and cultural businesses that enrich all of Utah.