Darren Parry // Democrat // Congressional District 1

  • How have the arts, culture, and/or humanities impacted your life?
    • As a Native American I have been surrounded and immersed in the culture of my people. Living in that beautiful space has taught me the value of seeing other cultures as I see mine. Our lives are blessed every day when we see the beauty around us and celebrate our diversity.
  • Utah's humanities and arts employ 123,000 Utahns, provide $4.4 billion in earnings, and $13.2 billion in sales. This is a larger economic impact than agriculture, mining, and real estate. Do you consider the arts and cultural sector an economic driver in Utah?
    • Yes
  • I support the following federal agencies and will work to increase fiscally responsible investment in them:
    • National Endowment for the Arts
    • National Endowment for the Humanities
    • Institute of Museum and Library Services
    • Corporation for Public Broadcasting
  • If I win, I will join the following cultural caucuses:
    • Congressional Humanities
    • Congressional Arts
    • Congressional STEAM
  • Forgivable loans available from the Small Business Administration have been vitally important to helping the cultural industry recover from COVID-19:
    • I support increasing federal funding in SBA COVID loans and keeping them open for nonprofits
  • Fiscally responsible government investment in the arts and humanities (including humanities and arts education) means to me:
    • Investment in this area is the most important thing we can do. What kind of life would we live without being able to celebrate our wonderful cultures. This is what brings life joy. As a congressman for Utah I will make sure the funding for the humanities and arts will always be a priority.
  • Anything else we should know about you?
    • I am blessed and lucky enough to serve on the state of Utah’s Museum Board where I hope I have made a positive impact.