December 04, 2022 at 7:30pm
4 hrs 29 mins
Comedy Church is a comedy show that explores different religious experiences from a variety of perspectives. The show is hosted by Greg Kyte and Adam Broud and features a diverse cast of comedians who perform material centered around their takes regarding god, church, religion, and existence in general. The show also includes live music and interviews. <strong>PLEASE BE ADVISED: COMEDY CHURCH IS AN ADULT SHOW</strong> Comedy Church is NOT considered “family-friendly” and it is NOT recommended for children under 18. The audience should expect adult language, religious irreverence, and other material that would make a nun blush. The show starts at 8 PM. Get here at about 7:40 for a parking spot. We'll send you your ticket in an email, so just hang on a sec! You'll show your email confirmation at the door for admission. Note: Tickets are non-refundable. <strong>Must be redeemed by 5 minutes before the start of the show to ensure seating. Latecomers may forfeit their tickets to the standby line.</strong>
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