New from NASAA
We'd like to let you in on the latest and greatest items of interest from NASAA. You'll find these resources useful in an abundance of ways!
  • Who's Who in Government Arts Funding is a new advocacy tool laying out the basics about what is invested in the arts at the federal, state and local levels, how populations benefit from this support, and NASAA resources that help you make the case.
Explore the NASAA website for even more great resources designed to help state arts agencies.
NASAA's mission is to strengthen state arts agencies.
About NASAA | About State Arts Agencies | Member Benefits | Contact NASAA 
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies 
1200 18th Street NW, Suite 1100 | Washington, D.C. 20036 
202-347-6352 | fax: 202-737-0526 | TDD: 202-296-0567 | [email protected] 
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NASAA members and colleagues receive routine e-mail communications on issues important to state arts agencies and their constituents. If you have questions or concerns about this e-mail message, please contact us : [email protected] 202-347-6352 x109